April 17, 2010

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

That's the sound of Spike, you know.
We had our 10.5 week prenatal appointment on Friday and got to hear Spike's heartbeat! It was beating at about 170 beats per minute which is normal for a munchkin of that age. My reaction was "wow, there really is something in there!". We both thought it was pretty cool.
Spike is currently the size of a fig-quick, anyone know how big is a fig? Well, it's about 2 inches and weighs half an ounce. S/he is moving around with tiny muscles and has developed tooth buds and a diaphragm. Way to go Spike!

1 comment:

  1. Any child of Rob's should be able to keep a beat. Not sure Rob could hit the drum 170 bpm.
    Spike, we know you are an amazing little being!!

    Love- Gramma and PA
