May 21, 2010

15 weeks

I've made it to 15 weeks. That's 3/8 of the way there! I'm just starting to show, mostly in the evenings. I can feel my uterus about 2 inches below my belly button, right where it should be!

Here's the 12-week pic for comparison.
15 weeks! Wow, that haircut makes me look like a different person. Notice also that the pack-n-play behind me is filling up with more baby stuff!
Does my belly button look off center??

May 14, 2010

Spike says "Hi"

We brought our new Flip to our appointment today so you all can hear Spike's heart beat too! Steph was with us since she was in town for a few days and Laura is the midwife.

May 6, 2010

My first Mother's Day!

So it's a little early for Mother's day, I know. But I'm working all weekend so Rob took me out to celebrate tonight. We went to a Japanese restaurant called Sapporo that I have been craving all week. Rob also surprised me with a Mother's Day gift-a new Flip video camera! Every moment of Spike's life will now be video documented and posted on this blog for your enjoyment! Well, maybe not every moment, some are right now for instance. Once we charge this thing up and figure out how to use it...videos will be appearing. For now, we'll stick with the old fashioned still picture for my first Mother's day shots.

PS. I cut my hair off today...about 16 inches...donated to Locks for Love-that really is me in the pictures.