April 23, 2013

April Brings the Reed-girls Sweet

I've taken a lot of pictures in April so far. It's been a trying month (disciplining a two-year-old on no sleep from a growing 4-month-old) but these pictures remind me how sweet these girls are. This is why I take so many pictures, so when I'm at the end of my rope, I can remember the cuteness and relax a little. I'm really looking forward to summer, I think Amelia needs some fresh air and maybe playing outside will help Erica sleep. Whatever happens, there will be plenty of pictures to document it!

 Looking so innocent next to the marker on the wall...

Bring on the Vitamin D

"Can I hold Erica?"

Blue Eyed Babies

She decided the green beans could use some butter...and so could her mouth.

"Erica wants to sit in the Bumbo and watch me sing and dance for her"

"I'm a Ballerina with Shark and Bear and Polka-dots and my purple binky that I love"

 Time to hit the park with Grammy and Grampy (and Tristan)

Erica's first slide. She wasn't too impressed.

Our new DOUBLE Chariot!

And our new UppaBaby stroller. 

Amelia insisted on helping give Erica a bath. She barely fits in this tub now...

 All dressed up for church. 

She is the cutest!

Amelia dancing...she moves too fast even for my good camera.

Still going.

What a beautiful profile. 

She set all all her animals and dolls to be her audience after Erica started crying.

So old. Pony Tail and the Tablet.

Two going on sixteen?

Lunch with an old friend, Sebastian!

So stinkin' cute!

She just keeps getting cuter!

Amelia tried out her new balance bike. She wasn't too sure but she'll get it soon.

One of Amelia's favorite things is holding Erica. 

April 22, 2013

April 17, 2013

April 1, 2013

Easter 2013

We did Easter Baskets on Saturday since Rob was playing at Church and there was no way we were all going to make it by 8:30-even without baskets in the morning. It worked out really well and maybe in the future will help separate baskets and eggs from the actual celebration of Easter.

Erica's hidden basket. Amelia didn't even see it...

Part of the egg hunt. It took Amelia hours to find all the eggs...

 Amelia's hidden basket, notice the jelly bean trail.

She wasn't as excited as we had hoped, but then again, she had no idea what to expect. Once she realized she could eat Jelly Beans all day..things changed.

 Bear helped find the basket.

"Helping" Erica with her basket.

That's right. 150 VeggieTales songs and 1000 stickers. Who are the best parents ever?

 "This is all for ME?"

Erica got an Amber Necklace too!

 Walk to the playground for some energy burning.  So glad it's playground weather again!

Erica was there too.

Dad of the year.

Real Easter morning. Compare to 2012, 2011, and 2010

 Erica's first Easter. She was a bit skeptical.

Easter shoes from Rob's parent's friends.

"wait a minute...what have I found..."

"OOOOOOHHHHHH...what IS this???"

"I should eat it, for sure"

Sisters...the best shot of the two of them I got.

I kept putting the grass back and she kept grabbing more.

Daddy playing at Church.

Handed the baby off to Maeza Silva.

 There was a baptism at Church but the kids thought the pool was for them.
 Silva girls make great babysitters.

We didn't have any dress shoes. Turns out, Amelia wore sneakers with her Easter dress last year too. And got chalk, a stuffed animal, and a book. Apparently I'm not very creative.

Me and my big girl.