January 17, 2011

2 Months!

My little baby is all grown up! 2 months have gone by so fast-everyone says it goes by fast but you don't believe them until it happens to you! Here are her 0, 1, and 2 month pictures. She is huge!
0 Months
1 Month
2 Months

The last unofficial weight was 11lbs 3oz-taken 1 week ago. We have a 2 month appointment next Monday so I'll post the official stats then. She has become much more social, looking around, focusing on her animals and the Red Sox mobile above her crib, laughing when I kiss her belly, and starting to grab at objects (mostly my hair).

We think she had discovered the connection between kicking in her bouncy chair and the animals above her head moving. She kicks, they move, she gets excited and kicks more, they move more, etc. Now she tries to kick to make the Wally's in her mobile move when laying in her crib, but the crib doesn't bounce so it doesn't work. However, her kicking makes daddy turn the mobile on, so she is learning a different kind of cause and effect. I will post videos of this if she will do it for me when she wakes up.

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