November 10, 2010


Well, it has arrived (and gone): Spike's due date. Yesterday. And I'm still pregnant. I'm not too anxious yet. I'm still pretty comfortable and have been busing myself cooking, going for walks, and rearranging (and re-rearranging) Spike's room. I think waiting now is harder on Rob because he is still working and never knows if he'll have to leave at any moment-makes concentrating on a job quite difficult. I finished work last week which at this point I think was a great decision: 12-hour days were getting the best of me and I am having a hard time just being awake for 12 hours at home.

Bags packed for the hospital...
Strollers parked in the garage...
Car seat installed in the car...
And still no baby!

We had an appointment today and everything still looks great. They scheduled an ultrasound for next Tuesday (if I'm still pregnant at that point) to check in on Splat (Spike's placenta). If everything still looks good, we will go on waiting. I am having a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions, but nothing that I can feel internally. I only know they are happening if I feel my abdomen from the outside. It's amazing how firm it gets and I'm surprised I can't feel anything internally. I wonder what Spike thinks of his house closing in on him all the time.

Here are the pictures from the last two weeks (hopefully the 41 week picture will include a baby!).
39 Weeks
40 Weeks!
I have to admit, I expected to be much bigger at this point. Glad I'm not. I think these pictures are deceiving, from my perspective I just have a little gut. And yes, I can still see my feet (although reaching them is sometimes difficult).

Stay tuned...

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Christy. Thanks for the post. I thought about you a lot yesterday. Glad you are still feeling good. I can't wait to get the news. Wish I could come be your first visitor in the hospital too. Maybe I'll just have to settle for getting kids to give me their first smile. Hopefully they wait for my visit.
