January 31, 2012

Folding Diapers

Amelia loves "helping" fold diapers. She is very meticulous. Every wipe needs to be flat...

January 30, 2012

Monday Candids

January 29, 2012

Just hanging around

Shopping at Whole Foods. Read: getting free samples.
Eating Pretzels at Church.
More Gold Fish Please

Fashion Trends

Amelia decided to start a new fashion trend: Eclectic. A little bit of everything, with none of it really matching in the traditional sense, but, instead, not-matching so badly that it matches in it's non-matching-ness. Pretty avant garde stuff. If you don't get it, that's ok. Paris hasn't quite caught up yet either. -Rob

Note the importance of accessories, such as bracelets.

Perfect for taking care of the chores, like folding the diapers...

January 27, 2012

January 26, 2012

Amelia and Molly

Amelia was copying Molly...which wasn't too hard because she doesn't move yet. Just wait, Amelia...you two will be running around this summer!

And, of course, hugs.

Why Amelia doesn't read on her own yet...

Lily and Amelia...again

Demonstrating a game Daddy taught her to Lily.
First you take the ring...
Put it on your head...
Stick out your tongue...
Carefully put it on someone else's head...
Then clap for yourself!
Hide the ring so no one knows who did it.
Surprise! It was me!

Laura babysat for me yesterday and is therefore solely responsible for these pictures.

January 24, 2012


Slow down, Britney.

January 22, 2012


Go Pats!

A Day with Daddy

Hello, my name is Dad. Some of our older readers may remember me from the much-beloved-not-too-often-posted-segment "From the Bleachers." Well, I am back, if only for a cameo. (No, not in my child's life. I am a regular there, I assure you. I just don't do much of the writing these days.)

My wife, who shall remain nameless, promised a blog post every day in 2012, a ridiculous goal at which we are already failing, I believe. Anywhoo, here I am covering for her while she galavants with 37 other women from our church somewhere in Saco.

The upshot is, it was Daddy Daughter and Edward Tam day at the house. (Edward, who lives in Toronto, but who came back so his wife, Grace could be one of the aforementioned 37 women, stayed at our place.) But Edward, being the popular guy that he is, headed out a little before noon to connect with his fans.

Ok, so what about Amelia? Did she survive? Does she still have all of her limbs intact? Would this guy stop rambling and get to the cute photos?

So, OK, here are some summary photos of our day:

1) Scrunchy face. In the morning she made this wrinkled mess of a face at me. I, being the mature one, made the face back. She thought this was hilarious. Unfortunately, I was slow on the trigger. This picture ALMOST captures the face:

2) Inventing stuff. Amelia had a great idea for a new product. The Showoilet. Ever had to go poo while in the shower, and just didn't want the inconvenience of traveling the 1 foot to the toilet soaking wet and cold? No problem. Just take a seat, let 'er rip, and let the shower water take it away. Her is Amelia modeling her new product:

3) Important life skill building. Amelia worked hard on developing an important life skill called "sweeping the kitchen floor." As you can see, she needed either a taller Amelia or a shorter broom to be a bit more effective.

And that is pretty much the day with Daddy, aside from reading 8 books a collective 6,345 times and me saying over and over, "Is that a [animal name]? What does an [animal name] say?". At the end of the day, Amelia was asleep, and I really, really really was in need of a fellow adult to talk to.

Thanks for reading,

The Dad

January 20, 2012

January 19, 2012

What does a Lion say?

Amelia has added a few more animals to her repertoire of sounds. Here are a few, and no, chewing on a fish is not one.

January 18, 2012


Lily, Amelia, and Tristan...such great buddies.
Cold Buddies too.

January 17, 2012

Slinky Elephant

Just because this was so cute...

Trying to decide...

...between baby formula and cheese.

January 16, 2012

The Dishgirl

Amelia didn't have the cash to pay for her dinner so we made her empty the dishwasher.

January 15, 2012

Eggs for Breakfast

Not much to post from today, but here's a video of Amelia eating eggs yesterday morning. She was blowing on the eggs every time but of course wouldn't do it for the camera.

January 14, 2012

Snow Fun...or not so fun.

Getting ready to go outside in the winter was like preparing for extended deep sea diving...
Here is the same week 1 year ago, just for comparison...
Oh yeah, and there was this...not this year! Plow and Garage!
Back to today...I can't put my arms down!
Not exactly thrilled about the "chair" dad made.
The wagon is better but it's still cold!

Craft Morning

Since I was sick last night and didn't post, I'll do two today. Today is Pa's (Rob's Dad's) Birthday so Rob made party hats for the three of us and we Skyped with Gramma and Pa to wish him a happy birthday. Amelia was thrilled to help with the party hat making. But not so thrilled to wear the hat. I laid on the couch, still kind of sick, and took pictures.

Happy Birthday Pa!