October 18, 2011

11 Months!

We're a mere 30 days away from knowing our daughter for a full year. She is turning into quite the active, fun, loving, cute, playful, talkative, mimicking little girl. A few highlights from the last month:

She loves to say "Ahhhh" and tap her mouth with her hand to make a very PC Indian call.
She's getting closer to walking, pulls up on everything and cruises along the furniture.
She occasionally stands on her own, usually to clap when she is holding onto something.
She's eating lots of big people food-all kinds of soup, pretzels, crackers, bananas, quinoa, cuscus, cream of wheat, toast, squash, cheddar bunnies, cooked veggies, and of course cheerios.
Amelia has taken it upon herself to taste test every apple that we picked recently. Each one has little pint-sized teeth marks in it-glad we have good quality control.
She flips over almost instantly when placed on her changing table which has made diaper changes rather complicated.
She says something that sounds like "thank you" when giving or taking anything.
She loves tea parties, rattle balls, her music table, and of course, Noah's Ark. She has started actually playing with toys rather than just holding them and chewing on them.
She loves being outside and finds blades of grass fascinating.
She watches other kids intensely and thinks small animals are the best thing in the world. She screeches and lurches towards Soxy every time he walks by.
She purposely throws things down and then looks for them saying "Uh oh".
Her signs are becoming a bit more clear-"more" is clapping, "all done" is a combination of 'milk' with her right hand while waving her left hand and bopping her head side to side. She waves "bye bye" and likes to watch out the window when people drive away.
She yells into hollow objects to hear her voice echo and will sit there breathing dramatically (short in breath-"ah" then **blow** with a slight raspberry) for 10 minutes at a time. I worry a bit about her hyperventilating but then she looks at me and laughs.
Rob and I spend lots of time laying on the floor in her room while she climbs all over us. She thinks it's hilarious when we crawl after her down the hall.
She's a great sleeper-12 hours most nights-and still takes 2- hour and a half naps each day.
She'll wake up from her naps and sit in her crib and read. I eventually hear her saying "dadadada....uh oh...dadadada".
We love our little girl and are so blessed to have her!

11 Months
10 Months (Since I never posted it)

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