I have always loved babies and was always excited when a friend announced she was pregnant but having a baby of my own takes it to a whole different level. Yesterday, April 8, two of my dear friends from home (Massachusetts) had their first babies.
Meg and Dave Rezac welcomed Marlow into the extra-utero world at 2:36AM
Kristin and Josh McKeen had Kylie that same afternoon.
All of my post-partum emotions came rushing out and tears of joy poured down my face as I thought of our little family's first days almost 5 months ago. Even writing this is bringing tears to my eyes! Thinking of the indescribable joy and excitement mixed with exhaustion and fear of the unknown that comes with being responsible for such a dependent new life makes my heart pour out to these new parents. I know, as most of your reading this do, how crazy those first weeks are and how quickly they fly by. It's kind of a shame that those precious moments are all but lost in the sleepless nights, recovery from birth, worry about not knowing what to do, and crazy post-partum emotions. But I do remember holding our sweet girl in my arms and just staring at her beautiful face-which I still do many times each day. This is my daughter-she is half me. I carried her and my womb supported her little life as she grew and developed and now my body still nourishes her and I care for her.
Babies are a lot of work-there is no doubt about that. But they are also the most amazing, fulfilling, life-changing, blessings that this life can offer and I wouldn't trade that experience for anything. Sounds kind of cliche-but cliche's have to start somewhere, right?
I guess all of this blab is just to say how excited I am for the Rezacs and the McKeens and the Pappenfuses, and McGillvrays, and Johnsons, and VanBeeks, and my sister and all the expectant parents due this summer and fall: the Bryants, Bernards, Wades, and Woodmans. It must just be that time in my life when everyone is starting families but it seems to me like we are having another baby boom! Maybe it's just like when you get a new car and all of a sudden notice that everyone drives that kind of car...
Either way-I am so blessed to be surrounded by so many new parents to share this experience with. I am so excited for Amelia to have friends both near and far to grow up with.
Congratulations to all my friends that have recently had babies or are about to have babies!