March 25, 2010

The story thus far...

Yes, this is a pregnancy test and yes, it is POSITIVE. I still have it in case any of you need proof. I also took a second test a few days later (because WE needed proof). See the pink line above the "T" (that stands for Test)? That's Spike making his/her presence known!

On the morning of the 4th, before I took that pregnancy test, I absent-mindedly poured my orange juice into a bowl instead of a glass. I texted Rob to tell him of my misshap and he texted back "Pregnancy mush brain?" (That's what our friend Alex calls it). It was the day I was due for my period on month 4 of trying to conceive so I had planned on testing anyway (I couldn't wait any longer than that!). When the pink line emerged I screamed!

My "Before" picture at 4 weeks:

1 comment:

  1. Spike, we love you already!

    Love, Gramma and PA
