As usual, another month has gone by in a flash and Erica is pretty much ready to take on the world. She's sitting up very well and only falls over when her older sister tries to hug her a bit too much. She plays with toys (read: chews on toys) and is starting to get bored. Getting bored doesn't seem like a good development but it's actually quite an intellectual milestone if you think about it.
She still doesn't roll over, hates tummy time, and just screams rather than trying to roll but she can spin 360 on her belly on the floor. She doesn't move forward or backwards yet, just spins. Yesterday, Amelia said, "Erica and the fan match. They both go round and round."
Erica has also recently found her voice. She screams (mostly happy screams) at anything and everything. She's also a kicker...those little legs get going and there is no stopping them. Amelia says she is singing but if that is her singing voice, she's not going to be in chorus very long.
As with most little sisters, Erica adores Amelia. She watches her wherever she goes, laughs at anything she does, and puts up with toys being snatched away, being tackled to the ground, and endless kisses. Could be worse.
Erica is fully 19lbs (maybe more at this point) and wearing 12-18 month clothes. Needless to say my arms have never been stronger and my back has never been more sore. Erica likes being held. She's a mama's girl all the way. When Rob holds her, she watches my every move and tries to dive out of his arms towards me if I get too close. She will be playing with Rob and Amelia just fine until she sees me or hears my voice. It's not just to nurse either, she just wants to be held. I'm trying to embrace this, knowing it won't last forever, but it does make for a tired mommy.
Speaking of tired mommy, we were not blessed with a second good sleeper. She's actually improved dramatically in the past month or so, from getting up every 1.5 hours at night to about every 3, sometimes 4. Improvement but she clearly is not starving and doesn't need to eat that often. We stopped swaddling at night a few days ago and she's done well with that. Probably also because it's 1000 degrees in her room so she doesn't want to bother waking up. Occasionally she'll nap un-swaddled but I've still had to swaddle for most naps. At least if I want them to be longer than 20 minutes.
Erica is also eating solid food. She eats small bits of whatever we are eating. She's had quinoa, veggies, chicken, ground beef, spicy mexican rice and beans, carrots, onions, tomatoes, bananas, and apple wedges. She does really great, only gags occasionally. She also loves Puffs (which Amelia has now re-discovered too) and can take down 30 puffs in no time. She's getting really good at reach-and-grab-and-shove-in-mouth. I have a feeling she is going to be a better eater than Amelia.
OK, enough jabber. Here are the photos.
Erica, 7-months
Amelia at 7 months
Amelia made a "bed" for her and Erica
Enjoying the new swingset
"I didn't eat the balls, they just disappeared"
At the beach with Willow.
Rice and beans
Between screams
Out like a light...for now.