June 25, 2012

Fleck's First Video

Since I couldn't figure out how to edit the Ultrasound Video, I just recorded it on screen with my camera-hence the wobbling and fuzziness. But here s/he is! Lots of thumb sucking and kicking during the ultrasound. The Ultrasound was almost more amazing this time since I haven't paid much attention to this pregnancy due to the toddler running wild in my house. I often forget that there is actually a developing baby in there! Enjoy.

June 22, 2012

"I love you"

19 months

Sorry it's been so long. Keeping this up to date is more difficult than I thought! Here are some recent pics of our fast growing 19-month-old! 

Oranges on the deck
 Awww...Go Sox!
 The new Trike.

 Some lettuce coming up in the garden after only 3 days!
 This is what Amelia looks like before every nap and bed time. "Bear, frog, binkey, and blanket"
 Reading with Daddy before bed (19 months)
Reading with Daddy before bed (3 weeks)
 She recently discovered PlayDough...
 "Purple Noodles"
 Sweaty girls on a hot day.
