May 29, 2012


May 24, 2012

One and a half...

Amelia has reached that great milestone of being ex-utero for 548 days. Seems like a lot more days than that...
In that short (or long) time, she has gained 16lbs and a whole whopping foot in length. Impressive. (for those of you who don't do math-or don't have Amelia's birth stats firmly implanted in your brains, that's 23.5lbs and 32.5 inches).

She has also turned a corner recently in eating and sleeping (thanks to the help of some $5 black out shades). She passed her 18-month check-up with flying colors and since we are GOOD parents and get our children vaccinated on time, she doesn't need another shot until age 4! Woohoo!

Amelia has also accomplished many cognitive milestones recently including understanding opposites like up/down, open/closed, in/out, on/off, clip/un-clip, and I-want-an-egg/I-still-want-an-egg. I keep meaning to make a list of her words (those she actually understands and doesn't just repeat (eg. "onomatopoeia", "patience", "no-hitting", etc.)) but I never have a pen and paper when I need it (do we even have pens and paper still?). I think she has 100 or so real words at this point and probably knows another 35 or so animal sounds (everyone knows a cheetah says "zoom").

The ABCs are a favorite song and she can get from E to P most of the time without help. She used to just repeat letters as we said them but now she says the next letter instead, the little show off. She also recognizes letters on my shirts, the fridge, signs, daddy's beer bottle, etc. and starts singing the song.

Concepts such as "empty", "two", "other", "Amelia" (while pointing to her self), and "all gone" are pretty solid. She answers the question "what is your name" with a clear "Ahh-yeee-yah" and can tell you that during the day, daddy is "at work". It's so fun to watch her find one Noah's ark zebra, look around saying "other zebra", pick up the pair, and say "TWO!!!" Things are coming together in that little brain.

She loves being outside and has recently discovered the fascinating world of bubbles. This works out well because mommy can sit in the driveway and blow bubbles while she chases them around. Then they pop and are no more. This is preferable to the previous favorite game of throwing balls down the driveway and making mommy chase them. She also loves pushing her baby stroller down the street to get the mail, stopping at each drain cover to point out the letters and sing "E, F, G...mumble, mumble, Y, ZEEEEE!"

Amelia loves Legos and it starting to get the hang of coloring. She also loves diapering, feeding, and putting her animals/babydolls down for naps. She even tried to nurse her ducky the other day when Auntie Stephie was over nursing Tristan. I'm sure this will all pick up even more when Fleck arrives.

Alright, I know you are all just wanting to see pictures...let's see what I can dig up.
18 months, she wasn't too thrilled about this photo shoot
 So we tried again a few days later. 
Here's 15 months for comparison.
Drinking from a cup, she learned this while playing in the bathroom while mommy pees. 

 Driving the playground

 Probably her first real meal ever. Chicken dipped in BBQ sauce and a bowl full of Quinoa! Sitting in her big girl chair we bought at a yard sale for 50 cents. 

May 4, 2012

Videos WITH Laelia

This is how the photo shoot actually went. 

Holding hands...I hope Jessie got some cute pictures!

Playing the piano like Laelia.

May 3, 2012

Fleck's Tones - Sideways

Ooops, which way is up on this dang thing?  Anywhoo, we heard Fleck's heartbeat for the first time yesterday. (Or, I might as well have said today, because it generally makes no difference to you 5 people who read our blog.)  It still amazes us that cell differentiation happens so early and so quickly.  Enjoy!